Sobriety, Really?

As a follow up to yesterdays post, this morning I ask myself can I really claim sober when I still drink coffee, the occasional energy drinks, and have a borderline problematic indulgence of sugary foods like ice-cream?

I once heard a guy who was an alcoholic say when he quit drinking he picked up smoking. He also said that his sponsor told him that he could smoke as much as he wants as long as he doesn’t touch the bottle again. Knowing the nature of alcohol that was probably a fair exchange.

I don’t know though… I’m not sure that me giving up my vices and substituting them with as much sugary foods as I want would be a good thing. Type two diabetes is running rampant here in America and I do not want to be passed the baton.

Plus, at this point in my life I wasn’t a heavy drinker anyway. My only true Achilles heel was tobacco, and I’m not sure which one will kill you faster, sugar or smoking.

It’s a weird realization to think that almost everyone has a vice. Too much television, sex, food, cellphone, gambling, something. It’s like the default human condition.